
:: Noc Bożego Narodzenia

 8.1.2004 | luki i alex
Michael odwrócił się w stronę Liz. Potrząsnęła przecząco głową...
Nie martw się. Sama to załatwię.
Westchnął i mruknął pod nosem:
- Zaczekam na zewnątrz!
Wyszedł, pozostawiając Maxa i Liz samych.

Isabel zaśmiała się. Grudzień - okres świąt i zaangażowania w problemy ludzkie, tak zwykłe i zwyczajne. Czas pracy ale i przyjemności. Jej czas...

Stęsknieni za świątecznym klimatem? Jeśli tak, to najnowszy odcinek Polskiego W4S to coś dla was. Zachęcam do czytania!

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I believe that both ctdaindaes gave excellent final speeches for this campaign, regardless of whether they were the winner or loser. In terms of the transitition to the conclusion of the campaign, I agree with many of the comments above, and believe that Obama handled it a bit better. By the time of his last speech the night before the election, he was already drawing towards the end of campaign. His last speech acted as a summary of all that he had been through this campaign. By telling a story about the beginning of his campaign when he was not thought to be a likely candidiate, he showed voters how far they had already come, and rallied them together to show that they are going to go even farther on election day. It seems that most of of Obama's speeches at rallies have similiar techniques-that is, he tells personal stories that allow him to relate to the voters and seem more normal'. While he still did this in this speech, I think it was done in such a way that still made him seem approachable, but also showed voters that he was ready and that they had already come a long way. He sought to fire up the voters for the election the following day, just as the woman in the story did in the small South Carolina town. He no longer preaches about what he will necessarily do to change the country, but rather that it is time for that change that he has talked about for so long to take place and that the following day it would happen. The speech was not focused on necessarily garnering more support, because I feel like Obama knew that he had reached the people he was going to reach at this point. It was a personal speech that wasn't full of policies and such. The speech was very motivational and got his supporters ready and excited for the election.Alternatively, McCain speech struck me as similar to many of his other speeches given, and it did not seem to point to a conclusion of the campaign. He did not stick to one idea or tactic throughout the speech, but he bounced around from one topic to another. It was like he was trying to cover all of his bases and desperately trying to gain a few more voters by informing them about his stance of issues and his past experience in politics. Overall, I felt like this made the speech less effective, because it came off as slightly desperate to me, like he felt as if he had to use every last bit of time to get people. While Obama rarely, if at all, mentioned McCain, McCain was still pointing out Obama's flaws. When it came time for McCain's concession speech, I thought that he did a great job, and it actually exceeded my expectations. McCain never blew me away with a speech during the campaign, and in my opinion this was probably the best one he gave. I was pleased to see that he was so respectful of Obama, but I honestly wouldn't expect anything less of the candidate that loses the race for the presidency. I also appreciated the fact that he looked rather annoyed when his supporters kept booing whenever he said Obama's name. I feel like that made him seem a lot more like the man that a lot of people knew him as before the campaign got ugly. He seemed genuinely grateful to have received this opportunity to have gotten this far. He spent a lot of time thanking his supporters and reassuring them that this loss was not their fault. It made me kind of sad when he blamed himself for the loss, it just seemed a bit harsh, even if it was true. He also devoted a lot of time to trying to unite the members of his party to come together and get behind the president elect, even if they disagree with him on some issues because he is still our president and they would want the same of Obama supporters if McCain had won. Overall, I think McCain came off very well and appeared to be at peace with the fact that they had lost a really difficult fight, but had done all that they felt they could. He did a very nice job and it seemed like he might be starting to revert back to the McCain so many Americans thought they knew before the election really took off.I was also very pleased with Obama's acceptance speech. It also surpassed my expectations. We have all come to expect great speeches from Obama because of his eloquence and likeability, but I still feel that this was his best one as well. He still came off as a very approachable man by talking about his family and his daughters getting a dog, but his demeanor also seemed to change a bit, in that he did seem more serious during this speech as he spoke about the difficult things that he will face as president and that we will face as a country. He also spent an appropriate amount of time thanking everyone involved in the campaign and congratulating Senator McCain on running a tough campaign. He also tried to gain the respect, if not the support of McCain voters, saying that he will make every effort to work with them so that we can come to decisions we can all agree on. I think this is really important because it shows that he values the opinions of these people just as much as those of the people that voted for him. The shear number of people that were in Chicago for this speech made it even more dramatic, and in my view, effective. I think it was hard to not get caught up in the moment even watching it on TV because of the way he spoke, what he spoke about, and how he related to the general public. If his handling of this eventis any indicator of how he will do once in office, I look forward to seeing the change he promises.

There was damage on both Oahu and the South tip of the Big Island (Hawaii). Floating docks were torn loose at Kewalo basin in Honolulu rveesal boats piled up with loss of contents. Like charts. I'm an author doing research for a new book set in the Bahamas. Anybody got an updated NOAA 11013? I need the answer to two things Has anybody ever heard of an islet called Elbow Cay at approximately 34 degrees-08 No.Lat and 78 deg.-25 W. Long.? If it isn't at that spot, is it somewhere else? I'd appreciate any info at [email protected] Mahalo for your attention.

Hey girlie! I saw these mgangeeent photos of a friend's daughter and her fiance, and they reminded me of you and D. The barn is way cool. And I love the boots!

Świetny odcinek. Stwierdzenie, że gramy Punk czy nie zależy od ttkseu jaki przekazujemy jest dla mnie ciekawe. Zawsze kierowałem pierwszymi kopami z głośnikf3w i wiedziałem co jest grane. Ale do rzeczy. Chłopaki zapierda . świetnie.Godai zrobiłeś technicznie super robotę. Odsłuchałem kilka razy muzyczkę i jeszcze posłucham. Czuje się luz, że chłopaki robią to z duża frajdą i ta muzyka ich trzyma razem. Czapka z głowy. Tu gdzie mieszkam, nie ważne gdzie, jest to częste hobby na weekend. Uważam, że raz w miesiącu powinniście pograć w klubie a raczej w barze co jest u mnie dość popularne, gdzie można przy szklance piwka posłuchać koncerciku na żywca. Mała kasa wpadnie tym na scenie a zabawa super. Myśle, że publiczność jednak daje dodatkowego kopa. Ja bym pojechał z Żoliborza do Konstancina aby Was posłuchać i zwinołbym kilka osf3b po drodze. Czyli muzyczką gra.

I was really cnofuesd, and this answered all my questions.

jakoś nie widze zainteresowania. co ludzie z wami???

noe bombardowanie to raczej nie było, ale pare osób sie odezwało. :) (wolałbym bombardowanie) ^_^

Będą, będą wszystkie odcinki.... Wczoraj wieczorkiem patrzę na komórkę, a tu sms z wieściami, że biedny Alex został zbombardowany meilami - gdzie jest odcinek? I najwyraźniej moja odpowiedź doszła, chociaż mam nadzięję, że nikogo nie obudziłam...

będą wszystkie tzn przed Bozym Narodzeniem, to świetnie bo sobie wreszcie nadrobię

czytajcie moją uwagę.

Hotaru, a kiedy bedzie dalsza czesc...?

ja też już przeczytałam ciąg dalszy i jest naprawdę świetnie jak zwykle :)
ale mam doła więc się zamkne teraz....

Ja juz przeczytalem i jestem niesamowicie usatysfakcjonowany :)

Ale i tak póżniej przeczytam, bo musze iść do szkoły:(

O jest już !!!

Możecie sobie juz przeczytać nowy odcinek...

no no, juz godzina 0.00, poczatek nowego dnia, a odcinka nie ma...szkoda...ale trudno, jakos przezyje, ale za dlugo to tez nie wytrzymam :)

ja tam nie chce nic mowic, ale mial byc podwojny odcinek swiateczny a Tu nic, ale spoko ,moze Nie mialas czasu, ale powiedz mi gdzie mam szukac poprzednich odcinkow?bo na jest tylko ten jeden aktualny, ja sledze odcinek po odcinku, ale chcialbym powrocic do zeszlych a nie wiem jak?

Już grubo (1,5 godz) po 21.00. Gdzie jest ciąg dalszy?!?!?!

Już grubo (1,5 godz) po 21.00. Gdzie jest ciąg dalszy?!?!?!

fajne fajne tylko szkoda że wszystkiego nie rozumiem ( to wszystko przez to że nie wchodziłam tu od października do grudnia:(( )

Hotaru no kiedy w końcu ta dalsza część? nudno mi..... i się nie mogę doczekać...... tylko niech będzie w końcu dobrze miedzy M&M...... płakać się chce jak to czytam :( bedzie szczęśliwa gwiazdka? :)))

a tego to sama nie wiem...... ale mam dobry humor :)))) lalalala ;)

a na jakiej stronie sa poprzednie odcinki????

jak wszystkie :) hotaru- czekam na kolejne

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