
:: Smallville

 28.1.2003 | alex
Cze Roswellmaniacy!
Wczoraj nie mogłem nic napisać z przyczyn technicznych. Jak wiecie Smallville jest konkurencyjnym serialem naszego Roswell (chociaż jaka to konkurencja). Często w komentarzach rozmawiacie o nim a to brzydko wygląda i nie podoba sie wielu fanom. Więc prosimy was bardzo t.zn. Ja, Ola i nasz szefo Luki, żebyście się tutaj przy tym temacie wygadali i więcej o tym serialu nie wspominali.
Z innej beczki. Wczoraj wyszedł nowy świat seriali. Nie ma nic nowego ani porywającego w tym wydaniu, ale jak zwykle jest krótki opis dwóch odcinków i ich rozszerzenie.
I jeszcze inna beczka. Dla tych co nie mieli okazji obejrzeć "Straconych", dzięki uprzejmości pani Marty Purchali koordyantora do spraw PR z biura prasowego HBO Polska, dowiedziałem się kiedy jeszcze program HBO będzie puszczał ten film. Oto te dni oraz godziny:
3-02 godz. 2:45
16-02 godz. 1:30
27-02 godz. 1:15
Pozdrawiam. Jakby co to piszcie na mail.

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I'm about two seasons back, hafwlay through the eighth season on DVD. I basically just devour the show on DVD with my wife, since Smallville is pretty much the only Sci-Fi/Comic Book show that she can stomach. Season 8 and 9 really kicked it into high gear, giving the Smallville Universe a well fleshed out mythology, outside of all of the Kryptonian stuff. Doomsday, the Justice Society and more. A fun show, if you don't mind leaving some criticism at the door.

Michael Rosenbaum. Why don't you want to return to Smallville again. If that is true than it rlleay sucks.You put 7 years into the show and than you quit at the most important time. I can understand a little break here and there. That's cool.But Season 8 and Season 9 nine were 2 years of time that you had a break from the show, and now it's Season 10 and your still not back and also we have no word of weather you want to return, so it's like 2 and 1/2 years (give a little)that you had a break from the show. What's 1 more episode or 2. Or like a 5 to 7 min scene. How many hours of filming does that take? a day, or two of filming or so i guess? What a big Sacrifice for a bigger pay off. Respect, Stardom, Money, Fame.I always think what if Tom Welling had played Lex on the show and you Michael Rosenbaum play Superman and didn't have to shave your head, Would Tom Welling get sick of shaving his head and just have the same excuse you have Michael Rosenbaum about being sick of shaving your head, so just quit for that reason. It's like everybody has come back to the show, Meteor Freaks, Lana Lang, Anette O'toole, Michael Mckean, Michael Ironside, John Schnieder, John Glover! Everybody man except Michael Rosenbaum. Please Michael Rosenbaum, We love you. I don't mean to criticize, but a lot! of people are dissapointed.

Dla mnie oba są zajebi... ale Roswell jest orginalny a Smallville wiele od niego ściągnął. Ale oba są bardzo dobre tyle że Roswell jest lepszy.

Smallville jest 100000 razy lepsze od Roswell. Przecięż kręcone jest już 4 seria