
:: Starocie

 13.10.2003 | setka
Teraz kilka informacji będzie trochę starszych, sprzed jakiś 2-3 tygodni… :-)

Brendan Fehr napisał 24 września krótki artykuł na swojej stronie w rubryce Rant&Range. Temat newsa „Checking In…” Brendan wspomniał tam o przeprowadzce jego strony na inny serwer. I to, że przez długi czas nie pisał, bo był bardzo zajęty i podziękował Lisie za wkład jaki wnosi w prowadzenie jego strony. Całość angielskiego artykułu pod adresem.

Katherine wzięła udział dnia 20 września w 1-wszej „Share The Beat Gala’’, która odbyła się w restauracji Cicada, w downtown – Los Angeles. Imprezę zorganizował „James Redford Institute”. Instytut ten zajmuje się organizowaniem transplantacji i oddawania organów. Temat ten jest bliski Katherine, gdyż jej brat był dawcą organów kiedyś. Jedno małe zdjęcie pod adresem.

Dnia 16 października odbędzie się powtórka filmu „The Teampest”. Katherine gra w tej adaptacji Szekspirowskiej dziewczynę Mirandę Prosper. Film rozgrywa się w czasach wojny. Powtórkę filmu można zobaczyć dnia 16 października od godziny 23.50 – 1.15 na kanale EinsMuxx. Kanał jest dostępny jak dobrze pamiętam analogowo z Astry.

Dnia 3 października odbyła się uroczystość otwarcia nowego klubu „Avalon” w Hollywood. Obok licznych znanych gości pojawiły się takie sławy jak Adam Rodriguez z osobą towarzyszącą… Był też tam Brendan Fehr. Zdjęcia Adama i Brendana.

Na oficjalnej stronie francuskiej wykonawczyni Roberty jest kolejny już plakat reklamujący wspólny single, który wykona wspólnie z Majandrą. W rubryce „On The Air” znajdziecie ten plakat. Adres strony.
Jak już jesteśmy przy tym temacie. Najnowszy numer francuskiego czasopisma „Arkanium” daję nam dużo ekstra materiałów nt. duetu Majandry i Roberty… Pewna fan-strona Roberty zrobiła 2 października mały update w dziale aktualite: min. nowe zdjęcia jak i również ilustracje do nowego singla „Le Prince Bleu D’Arthelius”. I może jeszcze dla zainteresowanych jeden adres. Znajdują tam się ogólne informacje nt. duetu. Ciąg dalszy newsów jutro…
P.S. Jutro o tym czy Brendan zagra filmie "Piraci z Karaibów 2"...?

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Another extract from the book Spirit-Teachings from the Highest Source The Spiral of greed. It is with peace in mind that I come to you. These prvoieus few times that we have been together have been testing trying times but like any good foundation it has to be allowed to settle first and after a period of curing can then be built upon. This night shall be spent in examining the question of orthodox teachings on Spirit. In early times all was reasonably well in the world you inhabit, man trusted man within reason, and a certain sense of serenity prevailed allowing the various tasks that each had to perform to be accomplished. Then came the advantage taker, he grabbed what he could with the minimum of effort. This human lived a world of no spiritual advantage. Those who suffered at the hands of this human resolved not to be fooled again in such a manner. They watched the wrongdoer and saw only the superficial signs of well being, a surplus of material goods piled around his door. Jealousy began to manifest and soon all wanted those goods back and as the original wrongdoer was too smart and watched his back too well, they had to find another easier source. Thus began the spiral of greed, the gaining of material wealth at the least by the easiest method and at the most at any cost. Many are the stories that have been told of the man who sells his very soul so that he may gain material wealth. So to when it came to spiritual matters there were those who sought this method to gain not only material wealth by usurping spiritual power but also sought to control others by overshadowing them with the darkness that would follow such a trial, keeping as many as possible ignorant of the real spiritual truths. All to many used this form of corruption to control the masses. So as this ignorance could be maintained power structures were formed so that many more could be controlled. Many of these larger units were eventually to become the foundations for early orthodox religions. We are aware that many here this time will throw up their hands in horror at the suggestion that their religion may be included in a group such as this, yet we pray that they will bear with us a little further so as we may fully enlighten them. One simple question, why, if the teachings were kept pure was it necessary for so many in Spirit to be asked to attend the human race and tell them the truth? Do you have a simple answer? Look back into the humankind history, see all those that you call prophets that have attended, each carrying the same message, that the truth has been misrepresented. Their teachings have been similar and have been similarly corrupted. Even now look at the divisions that exist within Christianity, they are many. How can this be so if they are solely truths? Man has a consistency, that is, portraying the truth as best befits him. We here in Spirit remind you of this for it is knowledge that you are familiar with in your Spirit role. Why else would you be there if it were not for the opportunity to learn what real truth is? Yes my friends that is one of the reasons why you are on the earth. There is another reason associated with this and that is to then go away, exercise the truth you find so as to implement the return to all truth, the return to God. It is the duty of every human that they shall proclaim this truth to whom-so-ever asks. Now it is known that you find this a difficult task but take notice you are only asked to give to those who ask. Wait until they ask, then tell, then watch. It may take time for this seed to begin to grow but be assured it will. There will be no need for remorse if at first your statement is refuted, be assured that Spirit is behind the question, the questioner, the answer and you the answerer. There is not much effort in this task. In most areas where Spirit operates we understand the difficulties that are experienced by humankind, however we do try and make things as easy as possible. One difficulty we experience with humankind is the lack of trust that they have for Spirit. Spirit has never and would never refuse a sincere request for help, very often the petitioner lacking the trust or patience interferes with the actions of Spirit and the results are disastrous. We have so many times seen human interference and seen the consequences, which have been so bad that no prophet/redeemer could be expected to salvage even the merest portion of spiritual sanity from the mess that is there. It has been at times such as this that the world has had to stop and restart, lets hope there is no repeat of this calamity. I will take my leave from you now and trust you have not found these words repugnant to your beliefs and that you will see them as they are truly meant, an opening in the curtain of mists that have been woven about the minds of humankind. I leave you with your own friends in the Spirit world who, should you listen to them, tell you these same truths. Go with all the Blessings of God into your world, stronger for these words.